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Carl Maria von Weber an Extraordinary Compositor

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Carl Maria von Weber studied in Vienna with Abbé Vogler, Munich with J.N. Kalcher and Salzburg, with Michael Haydn, starting to be a Kapellmeister at Breslau and laboring for an occasion at Stuttgart and Württemberg. With assistance from Franz Danzi, rational inspiration from his friends Gänsbacher, Meyerbeer, Alexander von Dusch and Gottfried Weber and the support of operatic and concert successes in Berlin, Munich and Prague, he established as opera manager in Prague. There he methodically modernized the theatre's procedures and developed the center of a German corporation, focused on works, generally French, that presented an option for the expansion of a German operatic practice. But his probing reforms such as extending to lighting, scenery, seating, orchestral, salaries and rehearsal schedules guided to anger.

Not in anticipation of his meeting at Dresden as Royal Saxon Kapellmeister and the extraordinary victory of Der Freischütz in Berlin and all the way through Germany did his challenge of an exact German opera win well-liked support. Bureaucrat disagreement continuous, both from Spontini in Berlin and from the Italian musician organization in Dresden: Carl responded critics with the impressive gallant opera “Euryanthe”. His speedily failing health and his anxiety to give for his family persuaded him to admit the invite to compose an English opera for London; he created, in April 1826, Oberon at Covent Garden. Even though an animated English welcome and each care for his fitness, this last tour hastened his refuse; he died at 39, from tuberculosis.

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