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Antonin Dvorak Devoted to his Czech People

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Antonin Dvorak took lessons at the Prague Organ School with Antonin Liehmann. A talented viola performer, he united the group that became the center of the new Provisional Theatre Orchestra, performed by Smetana from 1866. Personal teaching and mostly producing taken him from 1873. He was triumphant at the Austrian State Stipendium 3 times, in advance the attentiveness of Brahms, who protected the publisher Simrock for several of his projects in 1878. Unknown players increased, particularly of the Stabat Mater, the Sixth Symphony and the Slavonic Dances, and with them additional commissions.

Predominantly fine received in England, Dvorak composed the Requiem Mass for Birmingham and The Spectre's Bride, St. Ludmilla for Leeds, besides receiving an honorary doctorate from Cambridge and the Seventh Symphony for the Philharmonic Society. He traveled to Russia in 1890, continuing to distribute new projects in London and Prague and began training at the Prague Conservatory in 1891, where Joseph Suk was between his mainly talented students. Previous to departing for the United States he traveled to Bohemia performing the fresh Dumky Trio. As manager of the National Conservatory in New York he educated symphony, for the moment creating the renowned Ninth Symphony, the Cello Concerto, and the String Quintet in E-flat and the String Quartet in F. The beneficiary of awards and honors from all parts, he continues a diffident man of easy tastes, devoted to his Czech people.

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