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Marilyn Manson: Marilyn Monroe and Charles Manson

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The beginnings of Marilyn Manson were in 1989 when Brian Warner (born on January 5th, 1969 in Canton, OH and known today as Marilyn Manson) met the guitarist Daisy Berkowitz in Southern California and started to play music together. By 1990 Manson and Daisy met with the bassist Gidget Gein and the drummer and keyboardist Madonna Wayne Gacy. For those times the name of the group was Marilyn Manson and the Spooky Kids and they opened for other bands like Trent and NIN.

The next year Gacy left the band and was substituted with Sara Lee Lucas and by 1992 the new name of the band was “Marilyn Manson”; they were already famous at least locally. In 1993 the band was signed to Trent Reznor’s and also Gein left the band and was replaced with Twiggy Ramirez. In 1994 they released their debut album entitled “Portrait of an American Family” and again opened the concerts of NIN during the same year. In that year Lucas also left the band due to differences between him and Manson. He was substituted with Ginger Fish.

In 1996 Daisy quit the band and was replaced by ZimZum and released probably the best album of Marilyn Manson “Antichrist Superstar”. Two years later ZimZum also left the band and John Lowery became his replacement. Today the group Marilyn Manson has been hardly critiqued due to their lyrics, the behavior of the members of the band (especially of Warner).

There are also a lot of things about Marilyn Manson that are a real lie. For example, the biggest lie is that some people say that Marilyn Manson was the personage of Paul in the TV show “The Wonder Years”. Some people also critiqued his satanic habits as the sacrifice of a chicken in one of their concerts that is a fake. And a lot more of things like those. About the name of the band is due to the fusion of the names of Marilyn Monroe and Charles Manson.

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