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Third Day: The Gift of Resurrection!

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Third Day is a Christian Rock band composed of Tai Anderson (bassist), David Carr (drummer), Brad Avery (guitarist), Mac Powell (singer and cofounder) and Mark Lee (guitarist and cofounder). This is one of those bands that neither time nor difficulties can separate. Since the 1990s, when the band was formed in Atlanta, they have been together in spite of the trouble almost all bands face through their history. This might be due to the fact that the support of this band is Jesus and his resurrection, as stated in their name.

They released their debut album in 1996: Third Day. This was just the beginning of a musical career which purpose is to give a message of salvation and hope in Christ and his power to help us during bad and good times. The following album was released in 1997 with the name Conspiracy No. 5. This album and Time, released in1999, were not as successful as the albums Come Together (2001) and Wire (2004) which were awarded with a Grammy Award for Best Rock Gospel Album in 2003 and 2005 respectively.

Their most recent release Wherever You Are (2005) brings a special message since it is even more personal than the previous ones. This is an album that talks about faith, about those problems that seem not to have a solution such as death, divorce and financial problems. However, they talk to the hearts, and their first single is just a proof of it “Cry Out to Jesus”. They only make clear something everybody should know: God is bigger than any problem or difficulty.

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